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Image by Jo Szczepanska

Design Thinking

5 hrs

Organised  within the Google's program: New Generation of Founders, it is one of the effective methods for the development of innovative products and ideas focused on the users by understanding their needs, exploring innovative solutions and testing prototypes. Ideal for groups of up to 25 employees.


Šárka Patkošová



1,5 hrs

An interactive training for self-presentation and self-esteem improvement for women and people from marginalised groups. More than 140,000 people in the world have already experienced this workshop, and almost 90% of them have improved their self-presentation in the next 3 months thanks to the completion of this workshop. Ideal for groups of up to 15 people.


Lenka Hlinková

Meeting Room

Women In Leadership

1,5 hrs

Organised within the global edition Women Will, draws attention to the impact of unconscious biases against women in leadership positions but also offers several practical tips. How to expand the network of strategic contacts, what is necessary for the success of every leader and what does the authentic leadership style look like? Maximum capacity 15 women.


Katarína Trnová


Female Presenter

Presentation Skills

3 hrs, 300 EUR (max. 15 attendees)

What distinguishes average speakers from exceptional ones? Would you like to take your presentation and speech to the next level? In this practical workshop, you will learn how to engage with your audience right from the start, how to surprise, spice up your presentation, use emotions to your advantage and constantly improve.


Šárka Patkošová

All Hands In

The Future is Inclusive

2 hrs., 300 EUR (max. 20 attendees)

What is diversity and inclusion? What benefits does it bring to organisations? How to achieve and measure it? This workshop contains the latest best practices of companies with inclusive corporate policy, explains the need for so-called "belonging" in the workplace. How to avoid mistakes in the implementation of inclusive policies? Workshop for managers and HR professionals.


Lenka Hlinková

Smiling Colleague


3 hrs, 300 EUR (max. 15 attendees)

Feedback provided the right way pushes people forward. We will learn how to give, receive and constantly improve feedback. In this workshop you can look forward to topics such as fixed vs. growth mind, types and culture of feedback, rules for its submission and reception, SMART goal setting, FIRE & SBI model, feedback fallacy, delusions, illusions and much more.


Šárka Patkošová

Tablet Design


3 hrs, 300 EUR (max. 15 attendees)

Do you need to prepare a presentation, but you are tired of PowerPoint? Would you like to create a wonderful design for your ideas, but you don't know how? Are you looking for a simple yet modern graphic tool with which would enable you to create quick design free of charge? Give your ideas a professional graphic format with minimum effort.


Šárka Patkošová

Game Designer

Workplace Trends 

2 hrs, 250 EUR (max. 15 attendees)

Discover the global trends that drive the world of office work. Companies also have to keep up and innovate ways of working or automate processes. Get to know useful tools, tips and tricks that will make your work easier, improve your presentations and encourage creativity and effective collaboration. In addition, the tips & tools may bring a little fun to your daily work routine.

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Alžbeta Palkoci

Image by Robina Weermeijer

Emotional Intelligence

8 hrs (all day), 500 EUR (max. 15 people)

Do you want to improve the level of emotional intelligence of your employees? How to control your emotions, kick your inner motivation, strengthen your empathy and improve your relationships? You can look forward to confidence-building activities, eye contact exercises, active listening, talking about your success, goal-setting techniques, giving feedback tools and much more.


Šárka Patkošová

Woman at Work

7 Bad Habits of Fem. Leaders

2 hrs, 300 EUR (max. 15 attendees)

Both men and women in leadership positions face various common challenges. A long-term survey revealed that both women and men differ in the specific habits we tend to have. This workshop focuses on the 7 most common bad habits that create obstacles for women in leadership positions, and provides an explanation, as well as practical guidance on how to overcome them.


Lenka Hlinková

Used Books

Specialist vs. Generalist

1,5 hrs., 200 EUR (no limit)

Is it better to specialise or maintain a broad perspective and a broader portfolio of skills? What does the research say, and what kind of people do companies prefer? Who is a polymath? This workshop opens people's horizons in the field of further education, it enables them to understand the human brain, and explains how to use its capacity at work and in everyday life.


Lenka Hlinková

Women with Helmets

How to Fight Bias

2 hrs, 300 EUR (max. 20 attendees)

What is unconscious bias? How to recognise and eliminate them so that they do not adversely affect our decisions? How to behave in specific situations? We will introduce you to the tools and materials that you can use in your company to train managers and employees in the area of ​​unconscious biases with practical examples from local and global companies.


Lenka Hlinková

Image by Mitchel Lensink

Productivity Boost

2 hrs, 250 EUR (max. 15 attendees)

Do you feel that you would need at least a 40-hour day to catch-up on everything you need? We all have the same time, learn to use it effectively so that your days are really worth it. We will introduce you to various time management strategies, "life hacks" that will help you to find time even in situations where it seems impossible and reveal ways how to build a bulletproof To Do List.

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Alžbeta Palkoci

Chalkboard with Different Languages

The best way to learn English

4 hrs, 400 EUR (max. 15 attendees)

English is already one of the basic requirements in most jobs. You can keep memorizing and learning for a long time, or effectively and in a shorter way - this is the principle of our language mentoring. We will teach you key principles, modern methods and effective techniques for learning English so that it remains in your memory and you are no longer afraid to use it.


Šárka Patkošová

Legal Handshake

EQ in Project Management

3 hrs, 300 EUR (max. 15 attendees)

In this interactive workshop, through dynamic exercises, practical tasks and various creative techniques, you will learn how to recognize and control your own feelings, how to motivate yourself, refine your empathic behavior and enrich interpersonal relationships, not only in the field of project management.


Šárka Patkošová


company audit with focus on diversity & inclusion

Why to run the survey?

It's hard to improve something we can't measure. Companies that organise regular surveys among employees and then address problems, send them a clear signal: "We care about the opinion of employees and we want to constantly improve."
The Inclusive Workplace Survey increases performance (up to 4.6 times) and employee motivation, which translates into customer satisfaction and increased profitability. It reveals the strengths and weaknesses of your company and visualises your progress.

Thanks to the recommendations, you will not only get raw data, but also practical and best practices on how to respond to individual findings.
The price of this service is 2500 eur (companies up to 50 employees)  / 5000 eur (51 - 250 employees) and is part of our Platinum partner package.

How it works?

The whole process takes about 8 weeks and consists of the following phases:
1. Survey Kick-Off - identification of contact people, agreement on strategy, managerial goals and KPI
2. Audit of company processes and documentation
3. Employee questionnaire draft for approval by the competent person
4. Distribution of the questionnaire to employees, data collection and analysis, preparation of the final report
5. Presenting the results to the management, complete report with recommendations in PDF format. 

In the questionnaire, we examine the involvement and personal growth of employees, strategy and communication, work environment, teamwork, the level of diversity and inclusion, and currently the impact of a pandemic. We adjust it to the requirements of companies.

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